Moreno Valley Fire Department
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About Us
The Moreno Valley Fire Department (MVFD) is sponsored by Colfax County and is made up entirely of local volunteers … neighbors helping neighbors. The volunteers consist of men and women working full time at various jobs, along with retired personnel looking to contribute to the area. All fire fighting apparatus and personal protection equipment is supplied at no cost to the volunteers. The only exception to this is wildland fire boots which must be procured by the volunteers.

Formal training is not required, but is encouraged. There are two free certified training sessions each year available to the volunteers, a structure fire training class near Red River in September, and a wildland fire training class near Elizabeth Town in April. In addition, the volunteers meet at 6:00 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of every month for hands-on training with the MVFD equipment. It is important that safety and fire-fighting procedures are rehearsed to help insure quick completion of incident calls.

The MVFD works closely with other regional fire departments, including Angel Fire, Eagle Nest, Red River, Wheeler Peak, Rio Fernando, and Cimarron. The volunteers also assist law enforcement personnel for automotive accidents with traffic control. And for the volunteers with interest in medical support, Emergency Medical Technician positions are also available. In addition, the MVFD volunteers work at the 4th of July fireworks display in Eagle Nest to extinguish any small fires, and also contribute time to local events.
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